SLED Tours GmbH
Jägerwirtsiedlung 63
8864 Turracher Höhe
Cancelation Fee
24 hours before the tour starts (3:59pm of the previous day) 0% cancelation fee.
Then 90% of the price.
company register nr.
FN 425590v
Tax number
VAT number
ATU 6913 1147
bank details
Volksbank Kärnten
IBAN: AT32 4282 0118 9901 0000
All snowmobiles are third-party insured. The tenant is responsile for damages during the tour. A price list of spare parts is hanging out in the home base. Total damage: € 14,400 -
Additional insurance can be completed on site. € 25, - per snowmobile tour includes all spare parts. Total damage: excess € 500,-